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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Belly Fat Supplements

Supplements to Help Reduce Belly Fat

The older we get our metabolism slows down and we tend to eat the same portion sizes as we did when we were more active so stress-induced eating can be your dietary downfall, there are ways to thwart a ballooning belly.

Here are 4 different supplements recommended by Dr. Oz, but each supplement targets different areas, so choose the biggest area you have a problem and try that supplement. 7-KETO speeds up metabolism, FORSKOLIN to burn Fat, RELORA is for stress which cause the release of cortisol the hormone that stores fat....last but not least CARAWAY seeds helps excessive bloating.

Do not take any product or supplement without consulting your doctor or health care provider. Use the information you learn on the Dr. Oz Show to start a dialogue with your doctor. This is especially important if you have any medical condition and if you are currently taking any prescriptions or supplements. Only your doctor can help you determine what product/supplement is best for you given your unique medical history.